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The most important steps of dieting

The most important steps of dieting

أهم خطوات الرجيم 


   After the high rate of obesity in Arab societies has become the subject of weight loss is an important topics that attract the attention of many people, but unfortunately many of the overweight people in the quagmire of diseases that result from a diet to lose weight, The sources of our information and methods of food sources reliable and scientific basis to have guaranteed results do not affect the public health, and it is also necessary to avoid falling into the wrong methods and superstitions around us frequently, and the following are the most important tips that help in weight loss Without any negative impact on health.

The most important steps of dieting:

   Drink plenty of water, especially when feeling hungry. Water reduces the feeling of hunger. Also, it is recommended to drink a glass of water before the meal for a quarter of an hour because it accelerates the feeling of fullness, you should eat at least eight glasses of water by two liters a day.
  Be sure to eat breakfast. There are many people who ignore breakfast to lose weight but this is a very wrong belief because not eating breakfast will keep a person hungry and make him eat more food for lunch.
  We do not mean to exercise hard or get out of the house to run for hours, but here we mean the practice of some changes in our daily life system so that we move more. For example, replace the electric elevator by climbing stairs and dispensing with riding cars and replaced by walking or riding Bicycles can also contribute to weight loss if exercised daily or at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes to 45 minutes.
Take enough sleep, not less than eight hours of sleep, because adequate sleep helps in metabolism, fat burning and weight loss.
  Take care of fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. We also have to avoid fatty substances and replace fried foods or boiled foods with grilled or boiled foods because they contain less fat and fewer calories. , And reducing the proportion of fat intake makes the body works to fill the lack of fat burning fat stored in the body and thus lose weight faster, and we must be alert to not mix carbohydrates protein when eating because it works to reduce the Waqas weight and cause poor digestion.

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