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Weight loss with water

تخفيف الوزن بالماءWeight loss with food diets:

    Weight loss in a healthy and natural way needs to be followed by a healthy diet tailored to the individual needs of the individual, so that you lose weight when the calorie intake is lower than the calories burned by the body, and should not exceed the minimum calorie intake that is known daily Basic metabolism. Eating low-calorie diet foods does not actually benefit the body in its weight loss journey.
  Successful weight loss strategies are characterized by small changes, moderate weight loss, and realistic goals. A person who loses a little weight by choosing healthy, nutritious foods while exercising will be more likely to keep the weight he or she loses and have more access to health benefits than A person who loses a lot of weight by following an ingenious diet that is not well founded.
  Frequent circulating diets are often a way to lure people who are in need of weight loss either to buy certain products or in the current time to bring visitors to web pages and other business goals. Waterlogger is one of the most famous and far-fetched hurdles. , In spite of the benefits of multiple water for health in general and in particular weight loss, and in this article to clarify the benefits of multiple water in weight loss and its role in reality.

Benefits of water in weight loss:

   Drinking enough water helps you to feel full, reduce the amount of food you eat, and also prevents you from eating sometimes because of feeling thirsty instead of hunger. If you eat some water-containing foods to make up for thirst instead of drinking it directly, It can also be mixed with the person feeling hunger and thirst so as not to distinguish that he only needs to drink water and not to eat.
  It was found that drinking water before meals helps to feel full and reduces the amount of food eaten during the meal, where a study found that drinking water before meals reduces the amount of calories taken by 75 calories, and this amount is influential even if it does not appear large, Reducing this amount (75 calories per meal per day) all year round, for example, produces a decrease of 27,000 calories per year, equivalent to 3.5 kilograms per year, which can result from drinking water before one meal a day, Greater differences if drinking water is approved before Jamie P ate meals daily.
  Water can play an important role in weight loss if consumed instead of high-calorie beverages, such as being familiar with drinking soft drinks or drinks containing cream and sugar, and then replacing it with drinking water, which can significantly reduce the amount of calories Which contributes to weight loss. A person's choice of foods with high water content, such as vegetables, fruits and soups, makes nutritional choices more satisfying and makes the diet more resistant to dietary fibers that require more time to chew. It addressed, which also contributes to reducing the amount of food and calorie intake.
 Some studies have found that drinking water increases the rate of calorie burning. In a study of 7 men and 7 healthy women without weight gain, eating about 500 ml of water raised the metabolic rate by 30%, starting at 10 Minutes after drinking water and reached its highest level in 30-40 minutes. The reason for the increased metabolic rate in both men and women varied. Fat burning was the reason for this increase in men, whereas in women it was caused by burning carbohydrates.
According to the results of this study, a person who increases the intake of water can increase the burning of calories, and found that up to 40% of this simple increase in calories burned by the body can be explained by heating the body of water intake, but these effects need to burn calories It is noteworthy that even if these results are confirmed, they are simple and limited in several calories per day only and can not be considered that water is burning fat as some claim.

Daily needs of water:

  The person's needs for water vary according to weight, place of living, and level of physical activity, and the daily needs are obtained simply by listening to the body and drinking water when thirst, and found that eating 2,100 milliliters to 2800 ml of water is sufficient, Also found as part of the food composition, while drinking water directly occupied the equivalent of 1200 to 1500 milliliters per day.
It is possible to rely on urine properties of color and odor to determine the adequacy of the body of water or otherwise; where the color is light, and has no smell if the amount of water taken is sufficient, while the dark color and the appearance of smell of urine on the lack of access to the body sufficient amounts of water.

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