Make a diet
Diet :
people suffer from a number of health problems such as problems caused
by obesity and weight gain, and therefore many resort to follow diets
special food under the supervision of a nutritionist, to eliminate the
accumulation of fat in the body and thus get rid of the health problems
resulting from it.The principle of food diets is to reduce fat and oils and rely on other nutrients: proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals, in addition to burning calories in larger quantities of calories that are taken, and must be continued in these diets until the results are obtained Required, as well as exercise regularly and regularly, and must drink large amounts of water during the diet.
How to Eat a Diet
The diet is done through a series of steps that are as follows:Go to a nutritionist, calculate your body mass rate, and determine the amount of weight gain.
Make a diet consisting of three meals containing beneficial nutrients in relatively small quantities, using a food expert.
Avoid stress and tension, as well as follow some methods that relieve nerves such as: listening to music, reading books and novels and practicing hobby painting or playing music and singing.
Adherence to regular exercise, especially sports for at least one hour a day during the implementation of the food program.
Commitment to diet for a long time, as some of these diets take a long time to get the desired results and satisfactory.
Try to resist yourself, when watching the foods beloved to the person, and not to eat large amounts of food, but the person must adhere to the amounts specified in the diet program for diet.
Trying to distract yourself from hunger when you feel hungry, in some things like talking to friends, going out for a walk or running, or even doing some hobbies like swimming, horseback riding.
Taking care of various household chores helps to lose weight clearly.
Using the stairs instead of using the elevators or the electric stairs, climbing up and down stairs is a good sport that helps to get rid of excess weight.
Fighting boredom and exploiting all leisure, and not giving yourself the opportunity to think about food.
Patience and lack of despair If you do not get the desired results in a short time, these diets require quite a bit of time.
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