How to gain weight
Diet :
The body needs six important nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water. Therefore, dietary supplements and different types of food should be taken to get all the necessary elements for body growth. To increase weight,
- Starch: Starch is one of the most important substances to increase calories, so you should eat foods made from whole wheat flour, rice, pasta, potatoes, beans and starchy vegetables, such as corn and basil.
- Fat: The body gets a large percentage of calories when adding fatty substances to meals, but you must avoid the primary fats and consumption of saturated fats, where you can eat nuts and peanut butter as snacks, cooking with olive oil, or canola, and eating foods containing On omega-3 fats that include fatty fish, such as: salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines.
- Meat: Meat is one of the main sources of protein for the human body. The most important foods containing protein include chicken, turkey, beef, seafood and eggs.
- Dairy products: 1% or 2% low fat milk or milk can be added to the diet, and flaxseeds can be added to yogurt as a snack.
- Fruit: Fruits contain a large number of health benefits, and to increase calories can be eaten fruit with peanut butter or cheese.
- Vegetables: Vegetables are the most important food used to maintain the balance of food systems.
التمارين الرياضية
يجب ممارسة بعض التمارين الرياضيّة بهدف الحدّ من زيادة الوزن بنسبة كبيرة،
وللمحافظة على حالة صحية جيدة، إذ إنّ ممارسة 150 دقيقة أسبوعياً من
الأنشطة الهوائية المعتدلة تعتبر كافية للحفاظ على سلامة الإنسان وصحته،
ويمكن تقليل الوقت إلى 75 دقيقة إذا كان الإنسان يُمارس تمارين القلب
القوية، مثل: الجري، والسباحة، والتجديف.
إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:
إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:
Exercise should be exercised to reduce weight gain and maintain good health. Exercise of 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity is sufficient to maintain human health and health, and can be reduced to 75 minutes if a person exercises strong heart exercises , Such as: running, swimming, kayaking.
General tips for weight gain Body weight can be increased through the following tips:
- Increase the number of meals eaten by humans per day, where you can eat light meals between each meal and the other, and before going to sleep.
- Eat foods that increase weight, by adding cream to coffee in order to increase calories in the body, and the addition of creatine to increase the weight of the body muscles.
- Use larger dishes, because small dishes make the person eat less food.
- Sleep well; because it develops and strengthens the muscles of the human.
- Quitting smoking, where studies have indicated that smokers on a continuous weight less than others.
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