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How to lose weight quickly

طريقة خسارة الوزن بسرعةWeight loss :

   Weight loss is one of the main problems of the day. Many people are looking for ways to get rid of this extra weight, and we recommend natural ways to do so. The use of medicines, plastic surgery and surgery may have a negative impact on your health in the future. We offer a range of ways to help you get rid of excess weight quickly.

Ways to get rid of weight quickly:

  Controlling the number of calories This method depends on the amount of calories you eat during the day, if your body needs a thousand and five hundred calories a day, it is recommended to provide 500 of them, by reducing the amount of food you eat and quality; To get rid of a kilo a week, and can also exercise that contribute to burning more calories.

Follow food systems:

   The importance of a diet is recommended, and it is recommended that the system is based on protein, in addition to eating fruits and vegetables frequently, and avoid eating sweets and carbohydrates and fats, and also recommended eating fat-free chicken and skin, and eat egg whites and milk, and skimmed milk.


   Exercise for one hour per day is one of the most important ways to burn most of the excess calories in the body, so it is recommended to exercise heart and exercise strength, such as: walking, running, cycling, in addition to heavy weight exercises, but watch if You are a person with heart problems or a very heavy weight; you should consult your doctor before you take this step.

Tips to get rid of excess weight quickly:

To lose weight quickly you should follow these tips:
  -Eat lots of fruits and vegetables; it works to give you a sense of satiety and fullness of the stomach.
Do not forget to drink water, and be careful to eat enough; it is recommended to drink eight cups a day.
 - Stay away from fast food and fast food.

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