Weight Loss Foods
Weight Loss Foods

loss Weight loss is one of the goals that many people seek to reach, so
recently there have been a lot of complex diets, or that concern a
particular type of food and excludes some other species, which actually
lead to weight loss, but the results do not last Most times. People
in general, and people who are particularly obese, are advised to
follow a healthy diet based mainly on fruits and vegetables, egg whites,
lean meat, fat, fish, and skimmed dairy products. When
500 kilocalories of calories are recommended per day, they lose about
0.5-1 kg per week. If a person wants to lose weight faster by eating
less food than doing more sports, for example, a person can lose weight 2
kg per week at 1050-1200 calories in conjunction with exercise for an
hour per day, but it is not recommended to reduce the amount of calories
more because of the serious effects on health. [1] Weight loss foods As
mentioned previously, weight loss depends Mainly
to reduce the amount of calories consumed, and increase exercise, but
there are many foods that may help to lose weight because of their
ability to give a sense of fullness and satiety longer, and helps to
fill appetite, and these foods include: [2 ] Soups and soups: It is recommended to start Pric
eating a dish of healthy soups that do not exceed 100-150 calories; as
it helps reduce the amount of food consumed later, but it is advisable
to avoid adding gems and butter to it. Black
chocolate: Black chocolate can be eaten between meals to fill the
appetite. A study showed that people who ate black chocolate ate 15
percent less pizza than those who ate chocolate with milk. Pulses:
Pulses are a rich source of protein and fiber. They are inexpensive,
variety of varieties, and slow to digest, giving a feeling of fullness
for longer periods and reducing the amount of food consumed. Some
of the researchers added mashed broccoli and squash to the familiar
pasta and cheese dish, but the people did not feel the difference, and
they liked the dish as they liked it before, in return , People consumed 200-350 calories, the lowest calories consumed from the usual dish. Nuts:
Some research has shown that eating a small handful of almonds, peanuts
or walnuts automatically lead to fewer meals during the day. Eggs
and sausages: Some studies have shown that eating protein-rich
breakfast can extend the body to fullness throughout the day, reducing
the amount of food consumed between meals; in a study of a group of
young women who suffer from obesity were provided with 35 grams of
protein in a meal Which
reduced their total consumption of fatty and sugary foods at the end of
the day, compared to women who started breakfasting on breakfast. Yogurt:
Eating yogurt may reduce the waist circumference, and in a Harvard
study of 120,000 people for 10 years or more it was found that yogurt
was closely associated with weight loss among all other foods consumed. Apple:
It is recommended to eat a whole apple, not apple juice, which reduces
appetite, because of the rich fruits in fiber, and the process of
nibbling signals to the brain that he received a large amount of food,
reducing the amount of food consumed. Grapefruit
may help lose weight, especially if a person is at risk of diabetes.
Researchers at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, southern California,
found that eating half of the grapefruit or drinking its juice by obese
people Before each meal may result in a loss of about 1.6 kilograms within 12 weeks. Grapefruit
juice has no fat burning properties; the idea is that it only gives the
feeling of satiety, but you should consider that eating grapefruit may
interfere with some medications, so read the instructions on the
medicine box and consult a specialist if you have any type Of the drug before deciding to include any food in the daily diet. Weight
loss tips There are many healthy habits that help you lose weight,
along with a diet for weight loss and exercise, including the following:
[3] Follow a diet program suited to the nature of life, preparing
healthy meals, and organizing meals. Review bad eating habits and stop exercising; like late night eating. Do not go shopping while feeling hungry. Sit while eating, not eating while standing. Do not eat from the main course; rather, reduce the amount specified in a single dish to determine the amount of food eaten. Take care of breakfast, because it supplies the body with energy throughout the day and promotes metabolism. Eat slowly, chew well. References ↑ Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD (2008), "Lose Weight Fast: How to Do It Safely", WebMD, Retrieved 22-2-2017. Edited. ↑ Shelley Levitt (2013), "9 Foods to Hel
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